Tuesday, July 29, 2008

No Caption Necessary!! Case Closed!!

Photo Courtesy of: American Working Together

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey great job. And you are right, the USA has done more than its fair share liberating the world from oppressors, tyrants, and monsters. Thanks to us, the world can enjoy the freedom to choose, the freedom to own property, and the freedom to worship as they see fit.

Since you are one of the few people who still recognize this nowadays. I wanted to bring to your attention a particularly disgusting website - www.freemediaproductions.info. Not only do they openly call for the murder and torture of the brave US soldiers fighting for American freedom, but they also advocate acts of terrorism against Israel and other democracies. They probably endorse Barack Obama, too, knowing that he will bring the type of Stalinist socialism they seem to advocate. These are scary times we are living in...