Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Bill Maher - Real Time or Bona fide Slime?

Ann Coulter has been put through the winger time and time again. Yet, this clown distorts news and gives his unasked-for views on a variety of subjects. He's not just a moron who has no business reporting news of any kind, he's also one of those 'splatter red paint all over my body and lay on the ground playing dead' Peta -loving wusses.

Forgive me, I got off topic there for a second. Back to his remarks which were far more damaging to a slew of several different groups of people than Ann Coulters statements could ever be ... on his show on March 2nd, the comedian, and I use that term loosely, said:

"Afghanistan reported a record opium crop. I think that explains why Dick Cheney came back from his trip saying, “Hey! They greeted us with flowers. And they blew my mind." Have you heard about this, this week? The Taliban tried to blow up Dick Cheney. Don’t worry, he’s okay. No, he was never in danger. At the time of the attack he was safely asleep in his coffin. So…I’m joking. I just hope that this attempt on his life doesn’t turn him bitter, vicious and paranoid."

Whether Americans agree with their VP's views or policies on anything is one matter, this is the greatest country in the world and we have the right to do that. But there is a difference between being able to say what you want and being responsible for what you say. Maher, like Alec 'my head is almost as big as the size of my ego' Baldwin, he fantasizes about the death of the VP of the United States. And shares his fantasies for a laugh.

What's funny about that? What does that have to do with his views on the war? I'll give him one thing, at least he admitted that the Taliban was in Afghanistan. I thought all liberals believed there's no threat to America in the Middle East.

Guess one bleeding-heart moonbat doesn't know what the other one is saying. Bill Maher, like the rest of the left extreme nutjobs, want to know why any human being with an ounce of common sense, would pay any attention to what they say, unless they going around desecrating war memorials. That's their only defense to no one paying attention to their sixth-grade Michael Moore 'the sky is falling' mentality.

Maher, in his rant, goes on to insult other people. Listen to how he insults the African-Americans in this country:

" Did you hear the latest about Barak Obama? That he comes from a family of slave owners? [smattering of laughter] And he’s black. This is – but he’s half white. And apparently on his mother’s side, the white side, they owned slaves. And the Barak Obama camp was going to deny it, but his approval ratings in the South shot up 27 points. So… [laughter] [applause]

But that’s nothing. Apparently President Bush’s entire family is owned by Saudi Arabia. [laughter] [applause] [cheers]

"Did you hear the latest about Barak Obama? That he comes from a family of slave owners? And he’s black...but he’s half white. And apparently on his mother’s side, the white side, they owned slaves. And the Barak Obama camp was going to deny it, but his approval ratings in the South shot up 27 points. So..But that’s nothing. Apparently President Bush’s entire family is owned by Saudi Arabia.

Why have I not heard about this one? I don't watch this idiot's show but you think the same people who picked up Biden's remarks about Obama would have at least repeated part of what Maher said. Hmm...And we know he's obsesses with Bush as well as Cheney...could be a secret man-crush, unreciprocated, that makes him do nothing but talk about them all the time. 'He doth protest too much' methinks...

And he continues to insult...

"one of Al Sharpton’s ancestors – you heard this? – yes – was owned by one of Strom Thurmond’s ancestors. But they sold him because his medallion kept getting caught in the cotton gin."

Why do liberals get away with this, but Christians have to put up with the schools telling their kids the reason they're off for the national holiday commerating the birth of Jesus, is because the schools are closed for winter break.

Winter Break? Give me a freaking break! Call it what you want it is Christmas, it is celebrated by over 1/3 of the World's population. The nativity is not like Cinderella's night at the Prince's ball. It is real, the 'scene' took place, whether we're allowed to display it on our lawns or not.

Same goes for the US flag, it is the symbol of what our country stands for and it 'proudly waves' still, even if most throwbacks from the sixties bring their children up to believe it's okay to burn it.

Why do liberals get this special treatment? Why are they allowed to throw paint on the steps of our nation's Capitol building? Why do they get away, time and time again, with desecrating and destroying war memorials? If they are 'special' people who do these traitorous acts because they don't know any better, shouldn't they apply for 'disability' instead? Or are we saving that money to give to the illegal immigrants? :P

[Note: Maher's transcript on his webpage has the folowing dispersed throught the dialogue: [laughter]. I guess he wants people who don't watch his show to think that others find his remarks amusing--probably the same people who spit on returning veterans...]

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